- graduated from UCLA
- artist who uses plastic as her material http://www.diannacohen.com/_portfolio/gallery.html
Plastic Pollution Coalition:
- trying to raise awareness on plastic pollution
- Great Pacific Garbage Patch: clean
Simple ways to reduce plastic waste
1. Say No To Straws2. Reusable produce bags
3. Give up gum, packaging
4. Buy boxes, not bottles (laundry detergent)
5. Buy from bulk bins (bulk food)
6. Reuse containers glass jars
7. Reusable water bottles and cups
8. Bring your own container (lunch)
9. Use matches instead of plastic lighters
10. Skip the frozen food section
11. Don't use plasticware
12. Return reusable containers, refills
13. Use cloth diapers
14. Don't buy juice, make your own fresh squeezed juice
15. Clean green opt for baking soda and vinegar
16. Pack a greener lunch
What we didn't know
-We don't know everything that's in plastic-and neither do food companies.
-Plastic isn't good for vegetarians.
-It causes acne.
-Plastic kills more than just birds and sea turtles.
-Recycling is only a semi-solution.
-Ask yourself...can I make this?
-Go to Farmer's Markets
-Plastic #1 and #2 are the most commonly used forms of plastic in bottled
water containers-and the most commonly connected.
-Only 1 to 2% of plastic bags in the USA end up getting recycled.